What’s New?
- Large initial project cost reduction – just pennies per route
poll during active use. - Ability to save time in setup and active adjusting roadway
management ITS/SWZ Applications – able to adjust in real time. - Sustainable solution – creates smarter PCMS System without
sensor costs. - Can be used for traffic management, congestion easing,
driver influencing, ITS/Smart Work Zone. - Worker Safety increase due to less handling of traffic assets

Using leading edge radar sensor technology, AMSIG Que Detection devices report traffic information via Private Cellular Network.
- AMSIG Que Detection Information can be disseminated and calculated at any timeframe.
- AMSIG Que Detection reports traffic information to Cloud Network with instant algorithm calculation for messaging decisions.

- Hardened solid steel hasp resists forcible attacks, defeats attempts to pry and cut
- Hidden shacklep padlock features wide reinforced die cast body that withstands forcible attacks
- Lock body conceals the shackle, defeating attempts to pry and cut
- Virtually impossible to pick
- Adjustable lengths available for any manufacturer
- Optional locking mechanisms available upon request